Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Quick Update, Before my Computer Dies

So, I'm not going to Greece, which is an enormous disappointment.

Transport back into the UK is so backed up and in such high demand, that we are spending the rest of our time working on getting back to London.

Tomorrow morning, we are hoping to get a 15 hour train booked from Rome to Paris, and then hopefully we can work it out from there quite easily.

Everything is SO expensive...and this after this experience, I will be more than ready to come home for real.

It's only 9 days now--single digits, from my side of the ocean.

The three of us are camped out in one of the shelters that they set up in the airport, along with a couple hundred other people. It will feel good to actually have our own room again...

All of this volcano stuff is really annoying, and completely destroyed our plans for the last 25% of our trip...

...but at least they give us free paninis at the airport? I am okay with this. :)

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