Monday, April 26, 2010

Finishing Well

I left London last night at 9:50, and should have arrived at Capernwray by 7:30 this morning. However, one of my trains was changed, so I ended up waiting in Manchester Piccadilly station until 5:45 (instead of 4:15), and I got to Capernwray by 9. I am pretty exhausted! I'm staying in a guest room here tonight, which is really nice. Hopefully I can finish repacking soon and be able to get a good rest before another early morning tomorrow!

I tried calling to arrange a taxi to take me to the train station tomorrow morning, but none are running in time for me to make my train at 6:15 am. Fortunately, one of the staff members here heard about what was going on and kindly offered me a ride.

The last two days in London were really fun, but bittersweet at the same time. Coming back to London made me realize how much more I really want to see in London still, even though I've spent a lot of time there. And the UK/England in general is just really nice...definitely a second home to me now. I want more time here, but not now; it is time to come home.

Jaline's last day with us was on Saturday. We didn't have much time, but we managed to have a nice walk along the river, snap a couple pictures of Abbey Road, and surprisingly, go to another musical! I was glad we could end with something fun for Jaline, before she flew back home. We were going to go to Macbeth, which I really really wanted to do, but by the time we got there all the tickets were sold. The gift shop at the Globe is a dangerous place--there's a lot of really cool stuff in there, which I was tempted to buy.

Since the Glove thing didn't work out, we asked around for the closest theatre, and took a bus there (it was after 6, so it was nearly time for all the musicals to begin). That particular theatre, the Savoy, was showing Legally Blonde. We asked about tickets, and they were 42 pounds and up, which was a little more than we wanted to pay. The lady at the ticket office was really nice though, and we ended up getting 62.50 tickets for 32.50. It was a really funny, lighthearted, and musical.

Really funny, because Jaline HATES pink. I've been bugging her about it the whole trip. She really enjoyed the musical, but let's just say she wasn't rushing to be first in line to buy the pink feather boas at the end of the show.

Yesterday, I spent the day at Stonehenge and Bath, which was really enjoyable. It was certainly another highlight for me on this trip, and just a nice way to end the adventure. I'll have to put pictures online once I get home, now that I'm back to "Capern-net". :)

Okay! Well, it's time to get back to packing. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow and to finally unpack, for real, for the last time (at least for a while).

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