Saturday, March 27, 2010


Yesterday I began my eurail pass, and Kim, Jaline, and I travelled from Berlin to Stuttgart, where our friend from Capernwray (Sarah) picked us up at the train station. Sarah's family is so nice and welcoming. It's cool to be in a real home again.

Yesterday, we had dinner with Sarah's family and some of her friends at their apartment, and then we went and climbed the TV Tower in Stuttgart. Today, Sarah's girl friends came over for brunch, so we got to meet them all. We hung out at her house for a while, and then went to the Ritter Sport Chocolate Factory in Stuttgart..yum! After that, we went to the easter markets in town, and to a campground called 'Waldheim' (Sarah took us there because Courtney told her that there is also a Waldheim in Saskatchewan). So far, it has been a fun day! Now I think we will watch a film, and then we will have dinner, and then we are going to hang out in Stuttgart in the evening. I think we are going to go to a 'late night shopping' thing tonight.

Tomorrow we are going with Sarah's family to church, which should be an experience! I don't think I will understand much, seeing as one of the only things I know how to say in German is 'sugar snail'. Oh should still be fun!

And then on Monday morning, I am heading off to the Czech Republic to visit Prague!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika,

    Sounds like you are having a great time at Sarah's place! Please pass on a big thank you to her family from us for hosting you. How was the chocolate factory? Was Waldheim similar in any way to our Waldheim? Keep us posted when you can. Take care! Love, Mom
