Monday, March 1, 2010

4th Day of Outreach

Hi everyone!

I'm having a great time in Great Eccleston so far! We ran a youth club on Friday night, and it went well. There were quite a few rough boys there, but they seemed to respond well to the message and illustrations. I also got the chance to play some basketball at youth club, which was nice! I have definitely been missing the basketball.

Saturday was basically a day of planning and then a movie night with some of the kids from youth group and young adults from the church. We watched the Pursuit of Happyness, which I really enjoyed. I hadn't seen it before, and it was a really good story.

On Sunday morning, we ran a family service at the church and that went really well. I gave part of the message on Sunday morning. We did a bunch of skits and songs and puppet stuff as well.

Then Sunday evening, Samantha gave her testimony at the church's evening service.

Today, we had our first school assembly at Copp Primary School. The kids were both attentive and involved in the drama and story and seemed to enjoy it a lot. It was a lot of fun and the message was well received. After the assembly, we came back to the church for "Tiddlers", a program for 0-4 year olds. We played with the kids and served coffee and biscuits to the adults, and interacted with them. English kids have the best accents. SO cute!

Time is going very quickly, as it always seems to here. We're almost halfway through the 10 day outreach, and I feel almost as though we are just beginning. The people are great here!

I also got to watch the Canada vs. USA hockey game last night! What a game...and what a perfect ending to the Olympics. 14 gold medals in one Olympic games is very impressive; I am proud to be a Canadian.

We have access to wireless internet at the church, so I will be able to send a couple quick emails every now and then. Until next time, I will be having my accent fawned over, sharing the word of God, burning my mouth on the hot food (it's always lukewarm at school, haha), and drinking way too much tea. Talk to you soon.


  1. Hi Erika,

    So glad to hear that things are going so well for your team - it sounds as though you are having fun, and really being stretched. Wish we could visit Great Eccleston. We're curious about the population of the village. I may Google it to see where you are. Take care. Love, the other 4 Walls

  2. "Tiddlers"!!! I love that you think we could try using it in Canada?
    I'm glad things are going well for your group. I would have loved to hear you preach!
    I'm also glad that you got to watch the men's hockey game - that was awesome!! The 2 weeks of Olympics were great...this week almost seems like a let-down.
    Keep having fun!

    A. Dawna
