Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 Day Outreach Report

So basically...I had an amazing time on outreach. It was the scariest outreach I have been on, but I think the most rewarding as well.

I had such an amazing time getting to know my team members and the church.

I'll never forget all the great times I had in Great Eccleston. I'll try to get a couple photos on here before I go travelling again. I can't wait to share all my stories face to face when I come home.

Tonight Kim and I are going to book some ferries for our upcoming trip to Greece! I can't believe it's almost backpacking time again. Oh the joys of living off expired crouissants! :)

I am also going to see if I can book us a tour for Stonehenge and Bath, and our final train ticket to Manchester Airport. I will be home so soon, and I can hardly believe it!

Capernwray is over in 9 days. Unbelievable! I have my final netball game tomorrow, and unfortunately we can't finish in first place now. I believe if we win this game we will end in second. Overall, it's been a great season. These next 9 days are going to be fairly busy, in the best way possible. On Friday we have a Family Group party, Saturday is the netball banquet, Sunday is our final day of services, Monday is our Interactive Group Party and Netball Wind up, and Wednesday is our final Winter School Banquet. And somewhere in the middle of all that is finding time to spend with roommates/outreach team/netball team/everyone else.

Seriously, where does the time go?


  1. Hey England:

    Make sure you get pictures of Stonehenge. I'd love to see that.

