Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hi from Berlin!

After a fun filled day in Nice on Tuesday, Kim, Jaline, and I headed off to Berlin (I made sure that I had some vegetarian ratatouille before I left France--it was delicious!). Our flight arrived this morning at 8, and we made it to our hostel by 9:30. We were all pretty tired from a somewhat eventful night in Paris Orly airport, so we slept until 12 and then went out walking/shopping/sightseeing for 6 hours. Tomorrow is our major day of touring around, and we are hoping to see all the major sights, such as the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie.

We had a pleasant surprise upon arriving in Berlin--food here is reasonably inexpensive! Today I had some gouda cheese, an apple, and this German pastry thing called a quarkseitzel, or something like that. It was really good!

Oh, and remember how Kim and I really wanted to go to an Irish Pub when we were travelling in Ireland over Christmas break? We didn't find one that was open since we were there over Christmas, but we found one in Berlin today and went to it! Kind of a funny experience...the three of us shared a dish, just to say we had been there.

3 Canadians eating American food in an Irish pub in Germany...

...and the multi-cultural appreciation days continue....

Anyway, on Friday we are off to visit Sarah, a student from Capernwray who lives in Germany. I am really looking forward to staying with her and her family!


  1. Dare I ask how your night in Paris Orly airport was "eventful?" How long were you waiting in the airport? Did you girls leave Nice on Tuesday evening or early Wed. morning? Just wondering...anyway, I am sure you will have a great weekend in Germany. It's really nice of Sarah's family to host all of you.

  2. We were in the airport for...7 hours I think? We left Nice Tuesday night.
