Thursday, January 7, 2010

Final Day...

This break has gone by so quickly. I´ve had a really wonderful time, but it will be nice to go back to school.

London was AMAZING! We stayed at a hostel called "The Clink". It is an old courthouse that has been transformed into a youth hostel. It was a cool but slightly crazy place! Apparently when we were there, there were about 700 people staying at the hostel! We saw all the main sights in London--Big Ben, parliament, Westminster Abbey, London Tower and Bridge, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, etc. New Year´s Eve was definitely a highlight. Wicked was incredible! I think it was my favourite part of my time in London. After the musical we went to the countdown at Trafalgar Square/Big Ben. That will probably be the craziest New Year´s Eve I´ll have for a while! Haha! I´m pretty sure I saw more people passed out in one night than I have in my entire life! Plus, the city of London provided free transport on all the tubes and trains from 11-4 am, which made for some insane rides! It was great though, because we got a free train ride out to Three Bridges, a little town outside Gatwick Airport where our hotel was. It was an entertaining ride--lots of intoxicated people doing crazy and funny things! There was a group of 5 or 6 25ish year old girls who sang a Miley Cyrus song over and over for half an hour! Haha!

This last week in Spain has been nice and more relaxing. It´s rained a lot unfortunately, which has put a bit of a damper on sightseeing. Yesterday in Barcelona was lovely--about plus 15 and sunny. Our hotel is right on the Mediterranean, so we enjoyed walking on the beach and exploring the city! Today was a lot colder and very windy. It was a very wet walk back to the hotel, to say the least. On the plus side, it was so windy we didn´t really have to walk--the wind just kind of pushed us in the right general direction! :)

Tomorrow I start my long journey home. We´re flying out of Barcelona to London Gatwick at 2 pm, and will be waiting at the airport until 4:30 am until we can take a train back to Carnforth. I don´t know what we´ll do with all that time! So far the only thing on the list is to get ice cream from a vending machine...they have them all over the airport!

In other news, Pig Sheep died. Poor, poor, Pig Sheep. He will be missed. It´s really too bad, because Sam and I were planning to go out and chase him next week...I guess we´ll have to choose another sheep?

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