Thursday, January 28, 2010

The One Week Winter Wonderland

The pond, frozen over.
Capernwray Hall. See the two windows on the second floor to the right of the door? That's where my new room is.

One of the ornamental lawns, covered in snow

Remains of an old tower in one of the fields

Slightly crazy-eyed horse

A sheep that is much, much cuter than Damien (aka Pig Sheep)
Sunset in the field


  1. Beautiful pictures, Erika! The sheep are probably in shock, along with everyone else. We are enjoying -30 temperatures this week. You are not likely missing days like this!

  2. Have you named the new sheep? I agree...he's much cuter than Pig Sheep, but does he have any personality???

    A. Dawna

  3. Thank you! Yes, I am definitely enjoying the warmer weather. I hope spring comes soon and brings lots of sunshine with it (and by "lots" I mean 2 days a week). I don't know this sheep's name...I might have to go ask Ray, the farmer. And no, this sheep doesn't have much for personality. None of the other sheep in the flock can quite compare to Pig Sheep/Damien.
