Saturday, December 26, 2009

Leaving Dublin

I'm leaving Dublin today. The next week of my travelling will be spent in London and area! We haven't had wireless internet at any of the places we've stayed yet. As far as I know we should have internet access while in our hostel in London. I'll put my pictures up then!

The past few days in Dublin have been nice and relaxing. We've watched a lot of movies and just walked around the city. Christmas dinner last night was Tesco Strawberry Crunch cereal, apricot yogurt, an apple, and some emmental cheese. :)

Hopefully I will talk to you soon (or, as the Irish say "yous soon"). It's weird not being at home for Christmas. It feels like it's September or October here.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Christmas, Erika! Hope you're having a great time travelling. Our cruise was awesome! Happy New Year to you and your travelling mates.

    Auntie Dawna
