Sunday, December 20, 2009

High Kirk, Radio Cracker, and a Change of Plans...

We went to High Kirk church with Claire's family today. It was really nice to be in a "normal" church again. After church we had a delicious lunch and went sledding at a hill on Claire's property. We had a lot of fun! Her brothers and sisters came with us. There is about 3 inches of snow on the ground here and everything is looking pretty white and Christmas-y (to everyone's surprise). It's nice having the snow, but it's pretty chilly for backpacking!

After we finished "sledging" (as they call it here), we went with Claire's dad to the charity radio station that he does a show on called Radio Cracker. Kim, Courtney, Janaya, myself, and another girl staying at the Hunters' called Anamika (from the Netherlands) were on the air from 4:30-6! It was a fun and weird experience to be on the radio in Northern Ireland!

From there we went back to High Kirk for an evening carol service. They had a large band and choir playing, and the service was followed by supper (that is, a snack of mince pies and shortbread).

Claire's family has another house closer to the coast, and we were originally going to go there tonight, stay the night, and tour Giant's Causeway tomorrow. From there we were planning to go all the way down to the south of the Republic of Ireland to see Cork and Killarney. However, we changed our plans as it is too time consuming and expensive for us to get there, especially with the weather being as it is. So, we are staying in Northern Ireland at Claire's other house in Castlerock for a couple days and touring around places there. It should be a nice and relaxing time.

Talk to you soon!

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