Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning Escapades

Sam and I with Bradley Burneski.
Erika Lynn and Samantha Lynn <3
Playing the piano in the lounge.
Sam and I adopted a new secret sister: Bradley Burneski (the guy in the first picture)! He was complaining about not getting any secret sister presents, so we decided to wrap up something extra special for him...
...3 birthday candles, a fortune-telling Yoda toy from McDonalds, a chocolate covered digestive, 2 cough drops, and a can of 20 mini hot dogs that we won at German night about a month ago. The can said that the meat was "mechanically recovered". I was curious as to what this meant, so I looked it up online and found that this kind of meat is "an amalgamation of gristle, cartilige, and fats from animal carcasses." I thought that was a little sketch--it reminded me of a certain expired "6 Bean Blend", except worse. :) It was kind of a gross gift, but somehow it made his day.
Last night was our Christmas banquet! It was a lot of fun--we had a fancy dinner served to us by the staff, which was lovely. They were all dressed in Christmas costumes (reindeer, Santa, kings, etc.)...except for Trevor, who was dressed as a giant whoopee cushion. (?)
After the banquet, Deborah, Lauren, Rachel, and I spent the night together, as it was our last night as roommates. Lauren and Rachel are leaving tonight for Chicago. We just talked and played games until about 1 am. Then we watched a movie, which went until about 2:30. After that, we sneaked into the castle and you will not believe what we did...
....we went mattress surfing down the main stairs! It was unbelievably FANTASTIC! So fun! Then we went to the lounge and sat by the Christmas tree and had some chocolate ice cream. And then...we slid down the banister! And then we ran across the ornamental lawn/croquet pitch! And then we formed a secret society and wrote encouraging notes to a couple of the students, which was a lot of fun. We plan to continue doing this in the new year. We also made a really funny secret handshake!
Basically we stayed up late and had a really great time! I am going to miss those girls over the next couple weeks. It will be weird to not have them as roommates anymore.
I'm having trouble uploading more photos now, so I'll try to post some more tonight. It snowed today for about 15 minutes! It was quite a sight--most of the student was outside running around and screaming!
Tomorrow I will be in Ireland...I can hardly believe it! I am REALLY EXCITED!

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