Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pompeii and the Colosseum

Watching the sun set from the train with friends.
New Pompeii...
And Old Pompeii, at the ruins...this is in one of the homes in the residential area.
The Forum and Mount Vesuvius!! I can hardly believe that I got the experience to see all this in real life!
Mount Vesuvius/Pompeii was all in all a really cool experience, and one of my favourite parts of the entire trip.
Remains of one of the Pompeii/Vesuvius victims...kind of morbid.

A rock I found that looks like a skull!

Ah, the Colosseum...I took a lot of pictures of it!

My favourite gladiator--sporting cargo shorts, black socks, and sport sandals. Pretty much the real deal. Nice.

I liked Rome...but 138 hours in an airport? It's getting a little tiring, and ridiculous. Quite frankly, I am extremely excited to be hopping on another train tomorrow!

London, here I come! Finally!

The good thing that's come out of all of this is that there are more Capernwray students still stuck in London, and we are going to meet up with them for the day on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it...almost as much as I'm looking forward to finally taking a shower! Haha!

And, I think as far as we can control, all our plans are worked out with Courtney. We should be able to meet her at Victoria Station on Saturday morning. From there, we'll bring her stuff back to our hotel, then go back to Victoria to meet up with our other friends from Capes who have also been stranded and spend the day together!

As for Sunday, Jaline's flight leaves early in the morning, so she'll be checking out of the hotel at around 4:30 am. That will be a tough goodbye...I don't want her to go!! Courtney, Kim, and I are spending the day in Stonehenge and Bath. I am really looking forward to that tour, and it's nice to think that we have some fun in store for us still, before we go home.

It's also nice to think that they have given us SO much free food here that we won't even have to buy food in London! Seriously, they are spoiling us. As much as this experience has been unfortunate and an inconvenience, it's been fun...and we've made some Italian friends.


  1. stonehenge and bath are both very nice :)

  2. Personally, I recommend a shower before going to Bath, haha. It's good that you girls have some fun to end your trip with, as the sights have probably not been as interesting the last 6 days...we're anxious to hear about your airport adventures, as well as the days you actually saw some great sights!

