Tuesday, April 20, 2010

84 Hours Down

I have been in the airport for 84 hours! This definitely shatters my former record of 13.5 hours in London Gatwick at Christmas!!

I have 54 hours to go until I can get on a train out of here.

As boring as it can be at times, our stay here hasn't been too bad. We are allowed to get 3 meals a day for free from the cafe (so I'm living off paninis, salads, cappuccinos, and green tea). It's really good stuff, and we've calculated that we've consumed more food in the past 4 days in terms of price than we have in the whole rest of our trip! Haha! Plus, this is the first time in a long time that I have had a food from every food group every day. That's a plus.

We met this girl from the States named Liz. She is in the process of moving to Germany to study, and was finally able to get a ride out of the airport early this morning. She left us a bunch of her DVDs to watch, which was super nice.

Other than that, I have a full grocery bag stored up with pastries, biscuits, crackers, and chocolate that they keep giving us, for free. And, we've been on the news! Haha...the tv studios come to Terminal 2 every day to film updates and everything, and the three of us have been interviewed a couple times.

See you in exactly a week, as long as the volcano decides to not spew any more ash. I would be so annoyed if we ended up getting stuck in Manchester as well. I guess at least in that scenario, we would be with a "real" airline and they would have to get us a hotel or something.

As we have internet I'll keep you posted.


  1. This is certainly a unique ending to your travels. I'm glad you're getting good food and are able to watch some movies, but staying in the airport I'm sure is no picnic. AND you are TV celebrities...too bad we don't get to see these interviews in Canada. Praying for a safe and uneventful last week for you and your friends.
    A. Dawna (btw the weather here has been awesome - 22 degrees yesterday)

  2. Yes, it is definitely an experience I will never forget. Wow, the weather sounds great!! Just another reason that makes me so excited to be coming home next week!
