Saturday, October 24, 2009


I have a love-hate relationship with Saturdays here. It's great because we get to sleep in and have the day to do whatever we want--which often involves an excursion of some sort for me. It's terrible because they barely feed us on Saturdays! We normally have a "full English breakfast" at 11. This includes hashbrowns, bacon (which is a lot different--it's kind of like ham), sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, toast, cereal, and tea! I'm usually not very hungry at breakfast, so I don't end up eating a lot. Our next meal is at 5:45, and on Saturdays we just get a baked potato for supper. It's kind of gross! A baked potato and butter.

Anyway, Saturdays are great because of the travelling! So far I've been to the Lake District (Ambleside and Grasmere), Kendal, Liverpool, and today I went to Morecambe to watch a soccer game. It was quite an experience--the fans are rowdy here! Haha! And, the main concession item is chicken pot pie! I found that interesting. Morecambe is a beautiful city--there are some great statues and art, and the bay/promenade area are really nice as well!

I'm having trouble putting pictures up tonight, but hopefully I'll have some for you to look at by tomorrow.


  1. One baked potato for supper?? That's it?? Do you need a care package? I think you better start eating more at breakfast...or maybe start hoarding some food!!

    Auntie Dawna

  2. Yeah, that's it--it's really not very satisfying! My roommates and I have been saving cereals and fruit from breakfast in case of sudden hunger. :)
