Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I want this car!
The Museum of Terror...interesting?
Biggest McDonald's I've ever seen in my life--5 stories!!
Rokus Chapel
Synagogue right down the street from our flat. We have great accomodations in Budapest. It's a hostel, but there are only three rooms, and it's in a really nice apartment. There are 3 other people here besides Kim, Jaline, and I. The owners left us with the place all to's so nice! We bought spaghetti and made it in the kitchen here tonight...I have not been this full in so long, haha!
At the museum...which is basically a palace.

Spring flowers and the Szechenyi Baths.
Like all your ducks in a row? Come to Budapest, they line up on command. :)
Heroes' Square

It was a fun afternoon in Budapest! We were all a little tired, since we got up at 6:30 this morning to catch a 7 hour train here. So I guess we are going to sleep in tomorrow, explore the city some more, and then we will be on our way to Vienna!


  1. What awesome architecture. Doesn't it feel as if you're thrust into an ancient time frame?

  2. Hi Erika,

    Budapest looks amazing! The weather looks like it's been nice, too. I know you are going to love Vienna and Salzburg. Eat some apple streudel for us when you see the Sound of Music Tour! Happy Easter!

    Love, Mom
