Monday, March 29, 2010


Some authentic German borscht stuff!
We saw a sign for an Irish Pub in Berlin...and we just had to go find it!

We found the Irish Pub!
Our room in Berlin.
I bought peaches! Yum!
Our hostel, Berolina Backpacker
Haustbahnhof. This railway station is HUGE!

The Reichstag--parliament.
Holocaust Memorial
We found a science center, and spent an hour or so there! It was a really cool one, and it was free!
It had an electronic guest book...
And you could control a robotic arm!
This is the inside of the science center. It was all pretty high-tech!

Potsdamer Platz
Checkpoint Charlie

The funny walk signal.
Touching the Berlin Wall!
Bear-lin? These bear statues were very common.
Downtown Berlin--university, Berliner Dom, and TV Tower.
Brandenburg Gate at sunset.
Reichstag at sunset.
The German flag.
The glass dome on top of the Reichstag.
View from the top of the Reichstag at night.

1 comment:

  1. Erika, Are they still selling pieces of what's left of the Berlin Wall? We chipped off a few pieces 20 years ago, but it doesn't look as if there's much left.

    We're looking forward to hearing all your stories and seeing the rest of your photos when you get home.
