Saturday, January 16, 2010

London Town--Part One

A street performer downtown
Downtown London with Big Ben and the London Eye in the background
The River Thames
At the River Thames
A skateboarder's heaven underneath a bridge downtown.
An accidental picture that turned out kind of cool.
Another Wall's ice cream sign. I think I have a picture of this in almost every city I've visited!
Interesting modern art display in the Tate Gallery. This was created by Cornelia Parker, who is known for works in which she appropriates objects and subjects them to acts of violence. For this piece, called Thirty Pieces of Silver, she scoured junk stores, garage sales, and garbage dumps for silver objects no longer wanted by their owners. This included plates, spoons, candlesticks, teapots, and even a trombone. She then laid them out on the road and arranged for a steamroller to come roll over them. She arranged the flattened silver into thirty circular "discs" and suspended them from the ceiling. Weird, but cool!
The Globe Theatre
The Globe Theatre
Millennium Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the River Thames
St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Cathedral
The River Thames and Tower Bridge
Tower of London
A tree at the Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Downtown London
Tower Bridge
Skating rink at the Tower of London
Piccadilly Circus
Piccadilly Circus
Green Park
Me at the gate of Buckingham Palace
Me at the gate of Buckingham Palace
The Canada Gate at Buckingham Palace
Fountain at Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London. I saw the crown jewels and all of King Henry VIII's armour here.
The Tower of London
Downtown London
The Tower Bridge
The Tower Bridge
Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square
Bathroom signs in the Gatwick airport--note how voluminous the woman's skirt is! Hopefully this will prevent you from going into the wrong bathroom.... :)
Big Ben and the London Eye at sunset
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
Crazy New Year's Fireworks and party at Big Ben/London Eye


  1. Because of the sordid history of the Tower of London, I always experience a strange feeling when I see this structure. It's great for you to see all these interesting places, sodid as they may be. Love, G & G

  2. Wow...what a lot of great pictures and experiences. Did you go into the Globe Theatre? It looks so beautiful. I also love the Walls' ice cream signs...boy do they ever know us well. Keep having fun!

    A. Dawna

  3. Boy, the washroom signs should not confuse even those unnamed persons who tend to get them mixed up!!
