It was a dark and stormy night in Edinburgh, Scotland when Deborah, Lauren, and I decided to go explore the castle. Actually, it was only 2:30 pm, but the sun could not be seen anywhere, and it was very cold and rainy...

inside the National War Mueseum of Scotland we saw some BEAUTIFUL stained glass windows.
We enjoyed the museum and how dry it was inside.

But then we had to go back outside so we could see everything else.

We then proceeded to view the National War Monument. This was absolutely incredible and intricate inside. Unfortunately, photography was not allowed.

From there, we went back out to the courtyard, got soaking wet again, and tried to decide what to do. Earlier in the day, Deborah bought an umbrella. Sadly for her, it only lasted a couple hours before it snapped in half. It was around this time that we saw a lady walk by, struggling with an inside-out umbrella. It was the same umbrella Deborah had bought earlier that day--oh the irony!

Next we went in to see and learn about the crown jewels. This was really amazing as well, but once again, no photography.

Then we went to the Royal Banquet Hall

Suits of armor lined the sides of the room.

We then decided we were dry enough and once again braved the outdoors.
This is "Mons Meg"--it is located in a small tower overlooking the city.

This is the view of Edinburgh from the defence tower.

We were once again cold and wet, so we walked around, looking for the underground prisons.

We didn't find them right away, so we went back into the Royal Banquet Hall to take more pictures. There were windows from floor to ceiling, all stained glass. By the windows there were some small seats.

After that, we found the underground prisons! It isn't very clear on this picture, but the doors were all scratched and clawed up by prisoners. Some of them even had little pictures carved into them.

After that we went to St. Margaret's Chapel, and saw some more beautiful stained glass.

From there we went down into the catacombs....

...and saw some more interesting things.

and then we were done at the castle, but Deborah really wanted to go find a graveyard her dad slept at when he travelled here in his 20s. We walked around for a LONG TIME. And got completely drenched. And we were SO cold. We had a great adventure, but were really glad when we got back to the Bed and Breakfast!
I thought it was so neat to have a face to face chat with you. Continue to enjoy!