Monday, August 24, 2009


I am leaving for England in just over a month, and everything is falling into place. Finally! What an ordeal...nevertheless, I am proud to say that:

I am the owner of a sparkly, brand new student visa!

Yes, yes indeed, it has arrived! How exciting!

It only took $291 Canadian, $15,000 transferred into my chequing account, 3 sessions of passport photos, and a day trip to Edmonton where my fingers were biometrically fingerprinted and my eyes were photographed with some kind of laser camera. Oh yeah, and a little bit of stress. Quite plausibly more for my parents than for me.

Now I am trying to get my credit card fixed. It came in the mail a couple days ago, and they misspelt my name. "Enka", it said. Hopefully that arrives in good time as well!

So what now?

I need to book my flight. And it better be an airline that allows 2 checked bags! Haha!